Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Math Class has the Best Conversations =D

So we spent the better part of two days in class doing mathematical formulas. I know, I know, it's math class what do you expect right? Well with these formulas we were attempting to find the center point of a circle, a.k.a. a hot tub and it's drain. Well today, when we reached the question's solution, it sparked a conversation that even made my teacher stop and laugh for a good five minutes.

*After plotting the center point of the circle*

C: "Are you shitting me?! We just did two days worth of work to figure out where the center of THAT circle is?! I could have looked at it and said, OH HEY. THAT'S THE CENTER *POINTS*!"

A: "What I don't understand is why we would even need to find the drain...if we already have the hot tub..."

C: "This is why I like H's work! It'll actually help her in life. Not ours! Ours is just theoretical bullshit! oooooh look at me, I'm able to calculate the position of drain on a mythical hot tub" *wiggles fingers*

=D Math class=funniest class EVER.