Saturday, May 22, 2010

Dear Sister of Mine

Your voice's volume grows louder,
as your words scratch at my already open wounds.
You think I am the image of confidence and acceptance,
when really,
I 'm judging and critiquing my every move.

You say you wouldn't miss me,
If I left this world tomorrow,
which makes me wonder,
If you wouldn't miss me,
Then who would?

I feel I am not living up to the role you have given me,
and for that,
I am not sorry.

I'm not stylish.

I 'm not gangster.

I'm not shopping prone,
or addicted to the opposite gender.

I am Me.

I am logical, and book smart.
I love art, not material items.
I hold sentimental value, over dollar value.
And I know what is important to me.

And Dear Sister of Mine,
someday you will realise,
that I am a person,
well-rounded, and whole.
You may never come to understand me,
or relate to me at all,
but I do hope that someday you will accept me for who I am.

You'll have to make the call.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Math Class has the Best Conversations =D

So we spent the better part of two days in class doing mathematical formulas. I know, I know, it's math class what do you expect right? Well with these formulas we were attempting to find the center point of a circle, a.k.a. a hot tub and it's drain. Well today, when we reached the question's solution, it sparked a conversation that even made my teacher stop and laugh for a good five minutes.

*After plotting the center point of the circle*

C: "Are you shitting me?! We just did two days worth of work to figure out where the center of THAT circle is?! I could have looked at it and said, OH HEY. THAT'S THE CENTER *POINTS*!"

A: "What I don't understand is why we would even need to find the drain...if we already have the hot tub..."

C: "This is why I like H's work! It'll actually help her in life. Not ours! Ours is just theoretical bullshit! oooooh look at me, I'm able to calculate the position of drain on a mythical hot tub" *wiggles fingers*

=D Math class=funniest class EVER.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Com Tech class is the Shit

Favorite quotes of the hour:


*Taylor looks over at Dan's montage*

"Why is Meagan Fox in with all the music?"

Dan:"....Oh She's Just Chillin."


Tay: "So you can't look at real frogs, but you can eat chocolate ones?" *Looks at me like an idiot*

Me: "Ummm...yea? Hellllooo. Chocolate. Chocolate is my buddy." :)


Staubin: "Yup that's good. Here." *Hands back my shitty cube.*

Me: ".....Well I don't want it!"

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Shit Happens?

So I'm not in the best mood.

You know what today is?

It's my high school mentor's eighteenth birthday.

But you know what yesterday was?

The 5 month anniversary of her death.

That's right her DEATH. I freakin hate that word.

ESPECIALLY when associated with someone so young and pure of heart.

I really don't feel like explaining her story again. Because in reality, it just really pisses me off. Just go to google. Search Emily Watts. The amazingly beautiful girl will be attempted to be summed up in simple words. And the reason she died?

Drunk F** Driving.

God the woman that hit her (from behind)...I HATE her. I have never Genuinely HATED anyone before. But She takes the whole freakin cake. I Hate her guts for what she did that night.

She's not even sorry. She has no clue.

No clue what shes done to this town,
the community,
this family.

I now HATE walking down the hall where her locker is. Because, despite the fact that i barely even knew her (on a personal level), she was part of us. The school.

And she was taken so fast. Right before our eyes.

No one deserves to go the way she did, Least of all her.

She truly was an angel on Earth.

Shit doesn't Happen. People do.

If You Knew

Tears fresh, Starting anew,
A single thought crosses my mind...

What would you do if you knew?

What would you have done?
With such little time?
Cry? Hug? Reminisce?
I hope you know you're dearly missed.

As friends console and bid ado,
I can only think a single thought...

What would you do if you knew?

What would you have done?
If you knew your time was almost up?
Make amends? Live to the extreme?
Or maybe hope that its all just a bad dream?

Pictures of you pile up, Memorials a fair few,
But again comes that single thought,

What would you do if you knew?

What would you have done?
When realizing why you had to leave?
Would you feel anger? Seek vengeance?
Or embrace those who will soon grieve?
Would you leave words of comfort?
Or promises of forever?
Because, Emily, We will not forget you.
Not Now.
Not Ever.

The healing begins,
One week passes, then two
I walk by your locker, one thought in mind,

What would you have done?
If you knew?

In loving memory of Emily Watts,

February 11th, 1992-September 10th, 2009.

Happy Birthday Beautiful girl.

You are dearly missed,


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Why Is Voldemort SO BIG?!

So why is Voldemort so big? well..

Dan: "Why is Voldemort SO BIG?!"

Me: "Because He's half snake." *Wiggles eyebrows suggestively*

Dan Looks confused

Me: "...............Think about it."