Thursday, February 11, 2010

If You Knew

Tears fresh, Starting anew,
A single thought crosses my mind...

What would you do if you knew?

What would you have done?
With such little time?
Cry? Hug? Reminisce?
I hope you know you're dearly missed.

As friends console and bid ado,
I can only think a single thought...

What would you do if you knew?

What would you have done?
If you knew your time was almost up?
Make amends? Live to the extreme?
Or maybe hope that its all just a bad dream?

Pictures of you pile up, Memorials a fair few,
But again comes that single thought,

What would you do if you knew?

What would you have done?
When realizing why you had to leave?
Would you feel anger? Seek vengeance?
Or embrace those who will soon grieve?
Would you leave words of comfort?
Or promises of forever?
Because, Emily, We will not forget you.
Not Now.
Not Ever.

The healing begins,
One week passes, then two
I walk by your locker, one thought in mind,

What would you have done?
If you knew?

In loving memory of Emily Watts,

February 11th, 1992-September 10th, 2009.

Happy Birthday Beautiful girl.

You are dearly missed,



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